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PR Lucky's Winning Streak

Date of Birth:
We really got Lucky with this girl! Lucky's Sire is BR Cracker Jack, one of the next up and coming bulls in the Longhorn industry. BR Cracker Jack really has the potential to set some records with his amazing horns and we believe he has pasted this down to his daughter Lucky. Cracker Jack grew 39.5" over 54 weeks. That's 3.14" a month for a year. Measured over 70" TTT before his second birthday. Measured over 84” on his third birthday and already 90" Tip to Tip by the age of 4yrs. Hard not to get excited about his potential. Lucky eats out of your hands and is one of the friendliest cows we have.
Owner Name:
Pellegrino Ranch
Brett Ranch
View Additional Information on: Pellegrino Ranch 
PR Lucky's Winning Streak
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